What Makes Humans Unique?

In Biology we have looked at humans in comparison to other living organisms and have asked this question. These are some of our students’ answers.


Monologue - I Crews: human's thoughts on growing up with a chimp

Video - B Whitacre: This video talks about what makes humans so unique compared to other animals. This video covers the different bone structures of humans vs apes, the use of tools, and the complex use of our brains to pass on information to the next generation.

Video - D Jones: Photoessay Are We Human?

Powerpoint - J Sherline & Niklas Krug: Humans are increditbly unique from other species; not only physically but psychologically as well. To prove this one can examine both physical and psycological qualities to determine the extent of human uniqueness. We examined speaking, abstract thinking, childhood and learning, and language to gain a greater understanding of humans.

Poem - N Thurman: Who Stands Tallest?

Conversation about Humor & Humans - L Roeber, M Drake & N Xu

Video - A Paramo: What it means to be human is that we can walk on two feet and run on our 2 feet, we have opposable thumbs that can cross over our palm that we use to grab stuff, the human brain can think more deeply and complexly than other animals, we have school, we dance and we sing; this is all evidece because I can do all of these and so can other people.

Powerpoint - B Rondelli & Z Wang: The tools hominids used helped them take advantage of the things around them. The hammerstone found with homo erectus skeletons shows how they used tools humans use today to improve their lives. The patches of burnt terrain next to skeletons show that hominids had learned to make controlled fires using flint or stones. These furthered tools allowed humans to grow exponentially as a species in terms of dominion over the others, and today, we reap these benefits as the only species with a structured and more avant-garde way of living, but all of our advancements and uniqueness can be drawn back to the physical characteristic of bipedalism.

Powerpoint - L Constantino: What makes humans unique? Complex thought and innovation

Video - M Shuck, C Mei, C Fairbank, P Smith, M McIIrath: Humans are unique because our brains have extremely complex functions in comparision to other animals and our project highlights the evolution of the human brain.

Powerpoint - A Vargas: In my presentation I talked about the characteristics that make humans different from other species. In my presentation I discussed how humans deep emotions and physical characteristics such as bipedalism  and long childhood differ from other animals. Humans curiosity and ingenuity make us unique.

Powerpoint - S Martin & J Li: For our project we talked about what makes humans unique. We made a powerpoint presentation describing ten characteristics that are unique to humans along with an example of another animal that had a similar characteristics, but not the same.

Powerpoint - B Rose & B Sheppard: What Does It Mean To Be Human?

Video - A Sanchez: Humans & Dogs

Powerpoint - E Selz & L Hastings: Emotion, bipedalism and tools

Powerpoint - P Suarez & M Perez: Our project speaks about what makes humans unique. We use different pieces of evidence from work we have done in the past in class. We also put focus on what makes humans biologically special, such as spine structure and brain development.

Prezi - A Bonebrake: What Makes Us Human?

Powerpoint - N Timms: What Does It Mean To Be Human?

Powerpoint - M Brady: People have very long childhoods, which improves our creativity. People have very agile hands, which allows us to act on that creativity. The combination of both traits is what makes us human.

Powerpoint - S Armstrong & R Eng: The heart of what differentiates humans from other animals lies in the fact that we are experts of manipulation. Our ability to manipulate is based in our physiology– our opposable thumbs that allow better grip, our ability to walk bipedally, our brain structure that allows for advanced thought processes. Our manipulation of environments is what has allowed us to survive, despite being physiologically weaker and less able than many other animals. We invent and use tools-weapons to protect ourselves and, in earlier times especially, to secure food; we make elaborate transportation systems and vehicles in order to travel wherever we wish; we establish systems of farming and irrigation in order to supply our basic needs so that other fields, such as art and science, can be explored.

Powerpoint - A Roman & M Lohman: We looked into the height difference between humans today and Lucy. Through these comparisions we get an insight into the anatomical factors that set us apart from other species.

Powerpoint - T Driggs: The human brain and its functions allow humans to do things other animals cannot and makes humans unique. Humans have the ability to think complexly, which includes metacognition, the ability to think about thinking. This advanced thinking ability is possible because humans have a large brain size compared to their body size. This complex thinking ability has led to the unique human innovations of culture, complex tools and the ability to control fire.

Powerpoint - J Padilla: The human discovery of fire, the human capcity for construction and the abilities humans have because of the differences between our brains and the brains of animals.