
Hearing Test Online

The Ear:  Auditory & Vestibular Systems

Promenade 'round the Cochlea

Anatomy of  Hearing

Anatomy of the Ear - flash interactive about the ear

Ear and Hearing Concepts - the online HyperPhysics textbook's chapter on hearing

Why is the inner ear spiral shaped?

Gallaudet University - series of pages discussing hearing and hearing loss from a leading university for the deaf and hard of hearing. For unknow reasons, this site is not allowed on cps computers! Go Figure!!

Hearing, Ear Infections and Deafness - infomation on hearing loss & ear infections from the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders

Otosclerosis - the experience of a woman who has this condition where the middle ear bones fuse, not allowing them to vibrate

Audio & Hearing Loss Demonstration - VERY COOL audio demonstration of what it is like to experience hearing loss - click on the Audio & Hearing Loss Demonstrations for either RealAudio or Windows Media Player

MedicineNet.com - Discussions of many types of ear infrfections & disorders, hearing loss, etc

Virtual Tour of the Ear - lots of info about the ear but some of the link don't work

Your Ears - Kids page but good infomration about hearing and your ears

Neuroscience for kids - interesting collection of info about hearing and sound

Hearing Earth - listen to this very interesting radio clip from NPR interview with a seismologist and sound artist who listens to Earth itself

Ear Nose and Throat SurgeryVideos