Galaxies & MicroObservatory

  1. Either take a new picture of your galaxy or look in MicroObservatory’s archive for an image. Not all the galaxies assigned will be choices in the Guest Observer area. If you don’t see it, you will have to go to the archive. All the galaxies should be there. In fact, you will probably have many images to choose from.
    1. To take a new picture

                                                               i.      Click on the link: Try it yourself - Visit our Guest Observer Portal!

                                                             ii.      Check Galaxies Galore or  Telescope as Time Machine. They may have your galaxy as a choice.

    1. To use the archive

                                                               i.      Click on get images on the sidebar.

                                                             ii.      Click on Image Archive Directory

                                                            iii.      Find the Galaxy category and click on it.

                                                           iv.      Sort the archive by name by clicking on Filename and then look for an image.


2.      Download the image unto your computer by right clicking (pc) and choosing Save target as.


3.      Upload the image to your period's folder for Galaxy  [Period1 Galaxies; Period 2 Galaxies; or Period 3 Galaxies] on We are doing this so we can access the image on Friday and measure its size.


 Galaxy Sets - Each group was assigned a set in class

Galaxy Set 1

Ngc 253

M31  (Andromeda)

M33   (ngc 598)

Ngc 891



Ngc 5907




Galaxy Set 2

Ngc 2903




M104  (Sombrero)

M106M51  (Whirlpool)




Galaxy Set 3

Ngc 4013

Ngc 4636


Ngc 5005




Galaxy Set 4

Ngc 2300

Ngc 2543

Ngc 3614

Ngc 4124

Ngc 4565