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2010-11 Earth Science Homework

Extra Copies of handouts not available here are in the Extra Paper Box in class until they run out


HW# Assignment    1st Semester                  Date Assigned Due Date
1 Learning Style Surveys 1 & 2 9/8/10 9/10/10
2 Student Questionnaire; Parent Questionnaire (Survey Monkey); Safety Contract 9/8/10 9/10/10
3 Extra Credit - During the month of September you can bring in a roll of paper towel and a box of tissue 9/8/10 9/30/10
4 Study constellations - Cgynus (Deneb), Lyra (Vega), Aquila (Altair), Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Casseopeia - Star wheel & star chart 9/9/10 9/30/10
5 chp 2 9/13/10 9/24/10
6 Topo map quiz 9/14-15/10 9/17/10
7 Topographical map - complete your map using the topo symbols (inside front cover of text or pg 914). Make sure it makes SENSE. 9/17/10 9/20/10
8 Read article pg 865 Mapping Mount Everest - Write reflection (not summary) of what you thought of the article 9/17/10 9/20/10
9 Study for test on Maps, chp 2; Test Friday 9/24 9/17/10 9/24/10
10 Study for constellation quiz on Friday 10/1 - Blank Practice Star Chart 9/27/10 10/1/10
11 Map Test Corrections - To get up to 1/2 the points of a missed problem, turn in the test with test corrections. Test corrections consist of 3 things for each problem: 1. What was your wrong answer; 2. The correct answer; 3. Your explanation of why you got the answer wrong (i.e. I didn't understand ....; I knew the answer but I mixed it up with ...; I thought ....) 10/4/10 10/13/10
12 Finish Fronts & Air Mass worksheet 10/15/10 10/18/10
13 Complete at least the first page of the Understanding weather data handouts to get ready for the Weather Forecast Project 10/19/10 10/20/10
14 Test - Weather - chp 11, 12 & 13 - Study for test on Wednesday 10/27 - Study Guide 10/20/10 10/27/10
15 Complete and submit practice forecast by 11:55 pm (form on website, submit through moodle) 10/20/10 10/20/10
16 Finish Mineral Crystallization Procedure chart, sketches & questions 11/8/10


17 Weather Test Corrections - To get up to 1/2 the points of a missed problem, turn in the test with test corrections. Test corrections consist of 3 things for each problem: 1. What was your wrong answer; 2. The correct answer; 3. Your explanation of why you got the answer wrong (i.e. I didn't understand ....; I knew the answer but I mixed it up with ...; I thought ....). If you are not sure about the correct answer, come and see me. 11/8/10 For grade report - 11/10/10, otherwise 11/16/10
18 Great World Wide Star Count - Complete the star count before Sat 11/13. Complete the Report form and submit your results online. Bring back pg 4 & 5 to handin on Monday 11/16 11/9/10 11/16/10
19 Study for Rock & Mineral Test on Wed 11/17 - Study Guide 11/9/10 11/17/10
20 Spinoff - Browse Nasa's Spinoff and find 6 (2 from each sites) that you find interesting and record/share them 11/30/10 12/3/10
21 Article Reflection - Backroom Heroes - write reflection on the back of the Spinoff handout 11/30/10 12/3/10
22 Study for Geologic time test Thursday, 12/15/2010 - Study Guide 12/8/10 12/15/10
23 Winter Break - go out at night and look up. Try to find the winter circle; Look at the moon during the total lunar eclipse early Tuesday morning 12/21 12/16/10 1/2/11
24 Finish Earth Structure questions; be ready to share with class 1/5/11 1/7/11
25 EXTRA CREDIT - go to the Wellness Fair (Thursday, 1/13/11 11:30-2); Write reflection 1/7/11 1/14/11
26 Extra Credit - Go to & participate in Mix It Up Day Lunch Friday 1/14/2011 - Write reflection 1/11/11 1/18/11
27 Finals Study Guide - Winter Star Chart Practice 1/11/11 1/19-21/11
28 Earthquake packet - questions 1 -16; Answer Key 1/14/11 1/19-21/11
  ************************************2nd Semester    
1 Earthquake packet - questions 25 - 40 2/4/11 2/8/11
2 Check on moodle for resource for interpreting behavior at plate boundaries - this may be helpful for the next week 2/11/11 ***********
3 Plate Tectonic Test 2/15/11 2/22/11
4 Your Plate Tectonic Document - upload to moodle; Description and requirements on moodle 2/15/11 2/18/11
5 Moon Journal - START WATCHING THE MOON - Keep a record of when you are seeing the moon; Include the following things in your record: 1. Date & time of day you see the moon; 2. What shape the moon is; 3. The place in the sky that you see the moon - NSEW & how high up it is (altitude) 3/1/11


6 Japan earthquake poster - Make a poster about some aspect of the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear problems; Be ready to explain it 3/14/11 3/18/11
7 Test Sun-Earth-Moon system Study Guide 3/31/11 4/8/11
8 Constellation Project - There are two parts: The manual use of planetarium and the script that will run in the planetarium. Check moodle for helpful documents for the script - Project Description 4/18/11 5/16/11
9 STS-134 Daily Mission Recap Videos - Keep tabs on what is going on with the mission - Handout 5/23/11 6/2/11