Autopsy Case History

Autopsy Case Number: 55269M

Sex: Male

Age: 60

Race: Caucasian

Height: 5' 11 3/4 "

Weight: 180 pounds

Time of Death: 4/27/2015 06:10 AM

Clinical information and recent medical history: Deceased was a local film producer who was attending a large party at the home of a TV station owner. Deceased collapsed during the evening and guests called 911. When EMTs arrived at the scence, they found the patient in cardiac arrest and began to perform CPR and standard resuscitation techniques, including the injection of atropine to start the heart and lidocaine to strengthen heart contractions.

The deceased was transported to the hospital and admitted at 11:45 PM on August 26, 2008 and immediately taken to Intensive Care. In ICU, an IV line was placed in the subclavian vein and a Swan-Ganz catheter was placed in the jugular view and directed into the heart to monitor blood pressures inside. Dopamine was administrated to strengthen heart contractions. Blood and urine samples were also taken for testing. While he was in ICU, the focus was on maintaining his blood pressure using various medications.

At 6:04 AM, the deceased once again went into cardiac arrest. Aggressive CPR was performed but to no avail. The death certifcate state time of death as 6:10 AM on April 27, 2015. The deceased expired without regaining consciousness. Blood and urine samples that were drawn while the deceased was in ICU were forwarded to the pathologist along with the body.

Reported history obtained from family and friends: According to family, the deceased was occasionally a smoker, was being treated for hypertension and was otherwise in good health. Family is not aware of other prescription drugs or of any history of drug abuse. Family is also not aware of any severe allergies or other medical problems.

Family wishes: The family agreed to a full autopsy. The deceased will be buried normally. Johnston Funeral Home to be contacted when autopsy is complete.