x ray showing skelton of hand with a ring on finger  Medical Imaging Project    angiogram of hand showing blood vessels

Objective: To become familiar with one type of medical imaging through the creation of a poster about the chosen technology.

Product: A poster that decribes, shows, explains one type of medical imaging.
    Describe - describe what it would be like to have this type of imaging done on you
    Describe - what classification this type of imaging falls under
    Show a picture of what the machine looks like
    Show a picture of what an image looks like that is taken with this type of technology
    Explain how this technology works (generally)
    Explain what this type of technology is generally used for

References - On the back of the poster list the references used

Most imaging falls into one of five broad classifications: x-ray, radionuclide, ultrasound, magnetic resonance and scopes (cameras going into the body). Listed below are some of the many different types of imaging avaliable to doctors and patients. Choose one to investigate. If you want to study something not on the list come and talk to me.

X-ray Radiography                                       X-ray Fluoroscopy                                                            Computer Assisted Tomography (CAT scans)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)            SPECT (Single Photo Emission-Computed Tomography)     Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
CATscan-SPECT combined                        Infrared Imaging Thermography                                            Ultrasound
Endoscopy                                                    CT Scan                                                                            Nuclear Medicine
Digital Fluoroscopy                                        Mammorgraphy                                                               Stereotactic Core Biopsy
Ultrasound-guided Biopsy                               Echocardiography                                                           Cyrosection

Resources - just a few to get you started

1.  Remote Sensing Tutorial by a NASA astronomer - the section titled Medical Applications of Remote Sensing is a good source of information about X-ray Radiography; X-ray Fluoroscopy; Computer Assisted Tomography (CAT scans); Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI); SPECT (Single Photo Emission-Computed Tomography; Positron Emission Tomography (PET); CATscan-SPECT combined; Infrared Imaging Thermography; Ultrasound; and Endoscopy.                         http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Intro/Part2_26b.html    

2.  Martindale's The "Virtual" ~ Medical Center - Radiology Center - the radiology section of a clearing house for all things medical

3.  The Exploratiorim: Revealing Bodies - an online exhibit examining how medical imagery has changed the way we look at our bodies.

4.  Medical Imaging , part of the Thinkquest web site Nuclear Physics: Past, Present and Future has a nice disucssion of how CAT scans and MRI work