Print Name (as it appears on your schedule and in school records) What advisory number are you int? Who is your advisory teacher? What room does your advisory meet in? 1. Is there a name that you prefer to be called? 2. Is there a certain area of the room that you prefer to sit in? If so, explain where and why. 3. What do you like to do for fun outside of class? 4. Are you working this year? If so, where & how many hours per week? Do you work weeknights or weekends? 5. Are you taking any AP classes? If so, list them. 6. Is there anyone in this class that you feel you would benefit from working closely with? If so name the student(s) and explain why you feel you would benefit from working with them. 7. Is there anyone in this class that you know you will not be able to work well with or will be distracted by (especially in the area of social chatter)? If so, please name the student(s) and explain why you feel you will not be able to work with them. 8. When you think about your science experience at Payton so far, what are the first three words that come to your mind? Please explain why you chose these words. 9. What do you expect to do (to study, to learn about) in this course? 10. What classes and academic things do you enjoy at school? 11. What non-academic things, groups or sports do you enjoy and participate in? 12. If you get Òoff trackÓ in this course, what is the best way I can go about helping you Òget back on trackÓ? 13. Anything else you would like to share with me or think I should know (health, allergies, educational issues, IEPs, need for 2 textbooks for 2 homes, etc)?