Air pressure maps are called isobar maps 1. What is an isobar map? 2. Work with a neighbor and their map to answer the following questions. What is the lowest air pressure reading in the U.S. reported on this isobar map? Approximately where was this minimum recorded? What is the highest air pressure reading in the U.S. reported on this isobar map? Approximately where was this maximum recorded? Ê 3. Using the isobar map, describe roughly which parts of the U. S. have lower than normal air pressure readings. Remember "normal" air pressure is about 1013 millibars. Describe roughly which parts of the U. S. have higher than normal air pressure readings. Ê 4. Trace the 1012 hPa isobar on the map above which approximately separates the lower from the higher pressure areas of the Unites States. Ê 5. Choose a couple of states. You should find the current air pressure of a major city in each state. Work with a neighbor to access the site Record the state, city, current air pressure and the weather conditions.Ê 6. In order to make it easier to construct your isobar map, replace air pressure readings in the above question by approximate values using the following intervals: If the air pressure is less than 992 hPa then replace it with 988 If the air pressure is between 992 - 995 hPa then replace it with 992 If the air pressure is between 996 - 999 hPa then replace it with 996 If the air pressure is between 1000 - 1003 hPa then replace it with 1000 If the air pressure is between 1004 - 1007 hPa then replace it with 1004 If the air pressure is between 1008 - 1011 hPa then replace it with 1008 If the air pressure is between 1012 - 1015 hPa then replace it with 1012 If the air pressure is between 1016 - 1019 hPa then replace it with 1016 If the air pressure is between 1020 -1023 hPa then replace it with 1020 If the air pressure is between 1024 - 1027 hPa then replace it with 1024 If the air pressure is between 1028 - 1032 hPa then replace it with 1028 If the air pressure is 1032 or more hPa then replace it with 1032 7. With a neighbor, look on a map where the isobars are for the approximate air pressure values found by you and your classmates.Ê 8. Which parts of the U. S. are in a high pressure area? Describe weather conditions in these areas. 9. Which parts of the U. S. are in a low pressure area? Describe weather conditions in these areas. Ê