Geologic Time Notes Relative Dating versus Absolute Dating Relative dating is É Absolute Dating is É Catastrophism is the idea that changes to the Earth happen because of É Gradualism is the idea that changes to the Earth happen É Uiformitarianism is the idea that É Nicolas Steno developed three laws a. The principle of superposition b. The principle of original horizontality c. Principle of cross-cutting relationships The principle of superposition is É The principle of original horizontality is É Principle of cross-cutting relationships is É Practice with the tactile image of a rock cliff. Inclusions are É Unconformities are É Disconformity is when É Angular unconformity is when É A nonconformity is É The Grand Canyon has examples of unconformities Fossils are made by É There are five types of fossils. A mold fossil is É A replaced fossil is É A cast fossil is É A trace fossil is É An original remains fossil is É Practice identifying fossils with the sample fossils. Index fossils are fossils which can be used as É A geologic column is an ordering of fossils from youngest to oldest. Youngest fossils are (on top or on bottom). You can use a column to put rock layers in order. Practice putting rock layers in order using a fossil.