Hurricane Rita Hurricane Rita hit the eastern United States in September 2005. This document has the position of the hurricane and its wind speed and air pressure for several dates. Use the latitude and longitude given for each date to track how the hurricane moved. The pressure and wind speed can give you an idea of how strong the storm was each day. September 18; latitude 21.3N; longitude 69.9W; 30 miles per hour wind; 1009 millibars of pressure September 19; latitude 22.6N; longitude 73.8W; 60 miles per hour wind; 999 millibars of pressure September 20; latitude 23.7N; longitude 80.3W; 80 miles per hour wind; 985 millibars of pressure September 21; latitude 24.2N; longitude 84.0W; 125 miles per hour wind; 955 millibars of pressure September 22; latitude 24.8N; longitude 87.6W; 180 miles per hour wind; 897 millibars of pressure When you are finished plotting these latitudes and longitudes, check in with Ms. Barge.