Storm Safety Questions about storm safety Where is the safest place to be during a lightning storm? a. In a car b. In the middle of a field c. In a house d. Lying face down on the ground Using a telephone during a lightning storm is dangerous. a. True b. False A car is a safe place to be in an electrical storm because it has rubber tires. a. True b. False The average number of people who die in the United States each year from being struck by lightning is about É a. 10 b. 100 c. 1,000 d. 100,000 The greatest number of people who die from being struck by lightning are É a. Golfers b. Fishermen c. Farmers d. Joggers Four rules to remember about storm safety. 1. Get indoors 2. If you canŐt get indoors, stay low but with minimum contact with the ground. DonŐt be the tallest thing around 3. Get off or away from open water 4. DonŐt touch metal Lightning makes thunder and the flash is seen instantly. Thunder travels one mile in five seconds. The time between lightning and thunder gives the distance that the lightning is from you. For example, if you see lightning and then hear thunder ten seconds later, the lightning is two miles away.