Online Cartography Lessons
How do map projections distort Earth's surface?
How are landforms represented on Flat Maps?
How do latitude and longitude coordinates help us see patterns on Earth?
How can getting farther away from Earth help us see it more clearly?
Napolean's March to Moscow
Minard's map of Napolean's Russian Campaign of 1812
UC Davis W.M. Keck Center for Active Visualization in the Earth Sciences
Video of a sandbox equipped with a Kinect 3D camera and a projector
to project a real-time colored topographic map with contour lines onto the sand surface.
Mt Everest
Topographical map of Mt Everest
National Geographic's film about George Mallory The Wildest Dream
Interview with the climber who found Mallory
National Geographic's photos of climbing Mt Everest
Read an interview with the first blind man to summit Mt Everest
A climber's journal - read the journal of Steven Keck as he tried to summit Everest from the north, the Chinese side