Weather Forecasting

Project Description

Forecast Project Outline - Description and calendar of project - Revised Dates

Forecast  Worksheet - This is what you have to upload (completed) to moodle when you forecast, due midnight of the due date

Forecast Analysis - This is the daily analysis, due by midnight of the due date

Forecast Revision - Due by midnight of due date, if needed

Forecast Final Analysis - Due by midnight of due date - Dec 17

Forecast Rubric

List of Station Cities; Map

Understanding weather data:  Use the links below with handouts from class. These webpages can help you make a forecast later.

----** = This means there are severalweb pages that will be helpful - use arrow at bottom of the web page;

Answers to handouts - don't look until you have tried them.

Reading Weather Map Symbols Link #1 (** 7 pages)

If the link above doesn't work you can use these. #2  - the difference thise one and the one above is the way cloud cover is shown - you have to look at the maps to be sure.    ONLINE Weather Map Symbols - just another site with the same information

Decoding UTC Time           

Precipitation along cold fronts / warm fronts

Air Masses- Air Mass #1 & #2- Continental Polar & Maritime Tropical          

Storm Tracking - Cyclones (L -centers of low pressure) - Definition; Wind Patterns; Satellite Images

Forecasting Tips - Methods of forecasting (** 2 pg); Surface features to consider; Factors affecting Temperature including advection (** 5 pgs); Factors affecting precipitation; Rain or snow

Glossary from the Weather Channel - look up that term you don't know

Resources for current data:

US Cities

University of Illinois WW2010 - great resource, maps, satellites, ability to create animated maps (time lapse), archives

Surface Maps from Ohio State plus a lot more

University of Wisconsin - great satellite images & animations

Unisys Weather - hourly archive of last 12 hours - surface maps, visible satellite maps; radar maps; infrared satellite

DataStreme - Scroll down for current surface data, radar, satellite, etc

Weather Underground - jet stream, surface data, satellite, temperature, etc

USA Today's Satellite page - satellite images from everywhere

USA Today's Weather Map - different types of weather maps

NOAA - National Weather Service's Internet Weather Souce - pick your state and then your city

International Cities

Weather Channel's international site;

Weather Underground International webpage

International today's weather and yesterday's temperatures

NOAA - international conditions, current weather and past 24 hours

Archive Data - Resources to check if your forecast was right!!

National Weather Service - check the last 24 hours

The Weather Underground Put your city in the search box.On the next page, scroll down toward the bottom and look for History & Alamanac. Pick your dates and view.

Daily Weather Maps from NOAA - . Included in the Daily Weather Map are the surface weather and station plots chart, the 500-mb height, temperature,and wind map chart, the maximum and minimum temperature chart, and the 24-hour precipitation totals and area chart. A title page is included on page one with an explaination of the Daily Weather Map. Following the title page are 2 pages of maps for each day of the week. The Surface weather and station plots chart is on one page while the other three charts are arranged on the opposite page. The charts appear on their sides so it will be necessary to rotate the pages 90 degrees clockwise using Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the pages correctly on the screen. The final page is map of station names plotted on the weather charts.

Unisys Weather Archive - images of surface maps and infrared maps; the maps are organised in folders by year and month. There will be two maps per day; one at 00 Greenwich Mean time (also known as Zulu and UTC) and another at 12:00 GMT. Remember for infrared light areas are cold (possible clouds) and dark areas are warm (and possibly clear). Make sure you are looking at the CORRECT DATE.

UIUC WW2010 - use the animation and/or archive buttons that are on each map

Resources for weather information

WW2010 Online Guides

All about Daylight Savings Time