Amusement Park images These images were taken by Phil Kline using a Minolta 7000i, 35mm camera with a 3 frames/sec motor drive. The film was developed and the images were placed on a Kodak PhotoCDª. The approximate cost for 99 pictures (including film) was less than $60.00. The images were taken at the Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio during a Physics Day class trip. <> This stack was created by registering eleven individual images, each taken 1/3 second apart. The entire stack was "shrunk" by 60% to create the Magnum XL stack light. The follwing are known attributes of the ride: Height of first hill - 205 feet (62.5m) Max speed - 75 mph (33.5 m/s) Drop angle - 60 degrees Lift angle - 25 degrees