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2013-2014 Physics Homework

Extra Copies of handouts not available here are in the Extra Paper Box in class until they run out.

Any emails to Ms. Barge MUST include "astro" at the beginning of the subject line

2nd Semester


Assignment                       Date Assigned Due Date - more than one date, use the date that matches the date your period meets
1 Constant Acceleration Free Fall Wsht 1/29-30/14 1/31 - 2/3/14
2 Elevator Lab & Problem Set (Wsht 2) 2/14-17/14 2/18-20/14
3 Quiz on net force Friday/Monday 2/21-24/14 2/19 - 20/14 2/21-24/19
4 Extra Credit - Use the CNN news video clip about birds flying into windsheilds of planes and come up with a physics problem. You will have to think about what you want students to figure out (unknown variable) and then what equations they could use to get there. Looking at those equations will tell you what variables they will need to answer your question. State your assumptions (plane moving horizontally, ignore air resistance, etc). A good problem can be worth 10 pts. 2/26-27/14 3/5-6/14
5 Finish working through Worksheet 3 - Solutions - Quiz next class with questions about these problems. You can bring your work (not my work). 2/27-28/14 3/3-4/14
6 Extra Credit - There is a new remake of Carl Sagan's famous PBS show The Cosmos. The first episode will air Sunday, March 9, 2014 on the Fox channel networks. Watch Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey ANY Episod & Write a response to show: What did you find intereseting? What new ideas were presented? What are you coming aways thinking about from watching the program? You can watch more than one episode. 3/9/14

The morning of


7 Friction Problem Set 3/10-14/14 3/10-14/14
8 Test Review Problems - Solutions *** Test on Friday 3/19/Monday 3/24 3/19-20/14 3/21-24/14
9 2 D Motion - Complete Worksheet 1 3/28 & 31/14

4/1 & 2/14

10 5th Period - Worksheet 3 (More 2D Motion) Solutions - Finish #4 for class 4/21/14 4/25/14
11 Complete Worksheet 3 for Energy unit - check class webpage for notes/equations 5/15/14 5/21-22/14

Extra Credit - Make a Rube Goldberg machine that pulls a tissue out of a box of kleenex in 5 steps and write a description that explains the transfer of energy in each step. We can display the machines at field day.

Watch the 2014 College National winners on Jimmy Kimmel - 1, 2

The Rube Goldberg Machine Contest Webpage

5/21-22/14 6/6/14
13 Study for Test on Energy - Equation sheet docx - Equation sheet pdf - Worksheet 3a docx - Worksheet 3a pdf - Solutions 5/15 & 19/14 5/23 & 27/14

Physics Day @ Great America - Turn in completed River Rocker ride assignment, worksheet & description

If you didn't go - Alternative Physics Day assignment - Alternative Physics Day Great America Assignment Choose an everyday activity and write about the physics that is involved in that activity. Think about the forces involved, if there is acceleration or constant motion. Think about energy – is there a transfer of energy happening? Write a description of the activity and a description of the physics involved. It should be no more than one page typed. Double spaced, font size 12.

5/20/14 5/21 & 22/14
15 Electricity Worksheet 1 5/29-30/14 6/2-3/14
16 Energy Test Corrections - 3 pts: 1. What did you get wrong; 2. What is the right answer; 3. Why did you get it wrong 6/5-6/14 6/9/14


1st Semester


Assignment                       Date Assigned Due Date - more than one date, use the date that matches the date your period meets
1 Extra Credit for the month of Sept - 1 roll of paper towels, box of tissue or container of wipes 8/27-28/13 9/30/12
2 Learning Style Survey - Take both surveys,(Survey1, Survey 2) record your results on your Student Questionnaire 8/27-28/13 8/29-30/13
3 Enroll in Moodle - Physics - Honors Physics with Ms. Barge 8/27-28/13 8/29-30/13
4 Super Swing - Design a ride for Great American Amusement Park - Project Description 8/29-30/13 9/18-19/13
5 Develop a "Model" of pendulum length and swing time (period) for your pendulum data (exp #3). Handout TI-Nspire Instructions for Graphing Data Sets 9/9-10/13 9/12-13/13

Finish the practice Linerazation problems

Handout Practice Problems - Ms. Barge's solutions

Handout Developing a Mathematical Model (this includes the Orange Sheet) - Linearization of Pendulum Data - graphs of our data; the wrong one (blue) and the correct one (red). Use this to decide how to linearize your pendulum data

9/13/2013 9/16-17/13
7 Have your guardian/parent fill out the Parent Survey, either on paper or online 9/13/2013 9/16-17/13
8 TI inspire Link Software can be used to take screenshots of your data in your calculator 9/16-17/13 9/16-17/13
9 Complete 2nd Final Draft of Super Swing Paper 9/16-17/13 9/20-23/13
10 Complete the Graphical Analysis practice worksheet 9/16-17/13 9/20-23/13

Extra Credit - Choose one of the following things to do. You can work with other students in Ms. Barge's physics classes.

1. Watch the documentary How Long Is A Piece Of String? with your family. Afterwards fill out the Family Video Worksheet. This is a bit philosphical but interesting as gets into the Universe!

2. Create a video explaining a pendulum at work in the park - a swing.

2. Create a Pendulum Wave: Bring it into class & explain why/how it works. You can also make a video using it.

9/20-23/13 11/4/13
12 Using the data from your car determine a mathematical model for the variables position and time for next class 9/20-23/13 9/24-26/13
13 Constant Velocity - WS#1

Per 4 9/24

Per 5 9/26

Per 3 9/27

Per 4 9/27

Per 5 9/30

Per 3 10/1

14 Constant Velocity - WS #2 10/1-2/13 10/3-4/13
15 Constant Velocity - WS #3 10/3-4/13 10/7-8/13
16 Constant Velocity - WS #4 10/7-8/13 10/10-11/13

National Contests - Young Naturalist Awards - Research based contest grades 7-12

Seeking the Next Jane Foster - Video Contest grades 9-12


YNA - 3/1/14

Jane Foster 10/20/13

18 Constant Velocity Lab Practicum 10/21-22/13; Test 10/24-25/13 10/18/13 10/25/13
19 Extra Credit - Watch the movie Gravity and then answer these questions 10/18/13 11/13/13
20 Complete worksheet #1 for unit 3 10/30-31/13 11/4-5/13
21 Redo problems 7, 9, 10, 12 and 14 from worksheet #1 with decomposition & tilting of force diagram axis 11/7-8/13 11/13-14/13
22 Trig Practice Worksheet #2 11/18-19/13 11/18-19/13
23 Worksheet #3 - Figuring out strength of forces using everything we know 11/18-19/13 11/18-19/13
24 Group Problems - Review for Test on 12/9-10/13 Review Solutions 12/2-3/13 12/9-10/13
25 Extra Credit - Nelson Mandela article - - Films about life under Apartheid 12/10-11/13 1/21/2014
26 Constant Acceleration (non-constant velocity) WS #1 -- Solutions 12/16-17/13 1/9-10/14
27 Constant Acceleration (non-constant velocity) WS #2 -- Solutions 1/9-10/14 1/13-14/14
28 Constant Acceleration (non-constant velocity) WS #3 -- Solutions 1/14-15/14 1/16-17/14