The Lagoon Nebula (Messier 8, or M8) is among the most striking examples of a stellar nursery in our neighborhood of the Milky Way galaxy.




Interstellar Science Topics

Science of Interstellar Graphic


SDSS SkyServer

Redshift Animation #1 - #2

Blackbody Radiation

Apollo Missions


Distances - Worksheet - Measuring the Universe - The Cepheids - Slideshow - Seeds Article


Infrared Light * Gamma Ray Bursts

When will Betelguese Explode?

DARPA Robot Video Contest - 10 Amazing Robots that will Change the World

FCC Electromagnetic Spectrum Allocation - Browse by section - Chart


What if other Planets were as close as the Moon?

Beautiful pictures of Saturn (and Earth!)


AAS Press Conferences


The World's Largest Optical Telescopes

Orbital Telescopes (Telescopes in Space)

Amateur Observatories

Comparing Telescopes


Payton's solar panels monthly reports

9/2013 * 10/2013 * 11/2013 * 12/2013 * 1/2014 * 2/2014 * 3/2014 * 4/2014 * 5/2014 * 6/2014 * 7/2014 * 8/2014 * 9/2014

Retrograde Motion 1 - 2

Kepler's 2nd Law

Ancient Astronomy


Supernova Remnant with a cloud of debris around it. It is 190,000 light years away from Earth Beginnings

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