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2009-10 Anatomy & Physiology Homework

Extra Copies of handouts not available here are in the Extra Paper Box in class until they run out.

Any emails to Ms. Barge MUST include "anatphys" at the beginning of the subject line

HW# Assignment                       Date Assigned Due Date
1 Neurological Disorder Pamphlet - If you need help making a tri-fold pamphlet, see this webpage. Info on neurological disordrs #1 - #2 4/5/10 4/19/10
2 Autopsy Plan - Has to be turned in at the end of class Friday, April 9, 2010 4/6/10 4/9/10
3 Reflection - watch the short video Long term effects of drugs on the brain (NIH the Brain #4) and write a reflection of what you are surprised at or find interesting. 4/20/10 4/23/10

Extra Credit - Watch the independent film Food, Inc, a very interesting look at the food supply in America. Watch it with your family and friends and then answer the questions on this handout. It is ONLY streaming online until 4/29/10.

4/24/10 4/30/10
5 ARticle Reflection - read the articles Sight Unseen about Mike May and FaceBlind. Write a reader's response reflection 4/23/10 4/26/10
6 Read section on hearing in text - pg 315-324 5/7/10 5/10/10
7 Extra Credit - Get a picture with the Chicago Bansky before it is painted over. 5/10/10 5/24/10
8 Listen to the Audio & Hearing Loss Demonstration on our Hearing Web page. Write a reflection with your response to what you hear (or don't hear!). 5/11/10 5/13/10
9 Finals Study Guide 5/30/10 6/7/10


HW# Assignment                       Date Assigned Due Date
1 Extra Credit - For the month of September bring in a roll of paper towels and a box of tissue 9/09/09 10/05/09
2 Learning Style Surveys - Take both surveys (check classweb site) and then enter the results in Moodle 09/09/09 09/11/09
3 Chp 1 9/15/09 9/23/09

Extra Credit - Visit the International Museum of Surgical Science (1524 N Lake Shore Dr) and go through the Anatomy in the Gallery Exhibition Biomedical Visualization at UIC, "Redefining the Medical Artist" and Vesna Jovanovic "Pareidolia"

May - Sept: Tues - Sun 10 - 4; Oct - April: Tues - Sat 10 - 4; $6 for students (bring ID); Tuesdays are free. Exhibit runs until Oct 16, 2009. Turn in a short reflection about your visit with proof of attendance.

9/25/09 10/16/09
5 Study for chp 1 test - study guide Test on Monday 10/5 9/29/09 10/05/09
6 Medical Imaging Project 10/13/09 10/23/09
7 Tissue Test - Friday 11/20/09 - Be able to identify type of tissue by looking at a microscope slide - use the links on our web page. Be able to identify these tissues. 11/10/09 11/20/09
8 Dissection Reflection - Write out your thoughts and response to your dissection: Discuss the external anatomy & internal dissection 11/6/09 11/16/09
9 Read article on web page "Bone Factories" 12/15/09 12/18/09
10 Altas of the Human Skeleton - Pick one skeletal section from the Axial skeleton and one section from the Appendicular section to memorize. Use your Atltas. We will test the 2nd week of January. 12/18/09 1/11/10
11 Know these bones - be able to identify them 12/18/09 1/15/10
12 Skeletal Test Review - study guide 1/5/10 1/15/10
13 Finals Study Guide - study guide 1/5/10 1/20/10