Earth & Space Science

Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.  ~Edwin Powell Hubble, The Nature of Science, 1954

Barge Home

Earth Science Homework


Fits Images


Moodle Instructions




Infrared Landscapes

NOVA ScienceNow

The Secret Life of Scientists




Japan Earthquake - Rollover Before & After Images

NanoSail Photo Contest

Mt Etna's Jan 12th Eruption

Earthquake Waves

Earthquake Online - worksheet

Virtual Earthquake - Practice finding earthquake locations & magnitudes

Virtual Earthquake Java Version - Use 3 links under Main Activities

Smithsonian Global Vocanism Program

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program

Stargazer Video clips

To find out about the lunar eclipse, watch the Dec 13-19, 2010 titled Get ready for next week's total eclipse of the moon, you won't see another one for four years!

To find out about the stars that will be near the moon during the days leading up to New's Year Eve, watch the Dec 20 - 26, 2010 titled Follow the Moon past the planets & stars in the morning sky More info about the lunar eclipse 12/21/10

Animation of folding of rocks

Animation of Events for a Relative Dating Exercise

Animation of Different Kinds of Unconformities

Animation Geologic History - see view 2

Apollo Missions Spinoffs

Weather Forecasting


Snowflakes - Are they really all different?

National Weather Service - Interent Weather Source

Isobar Map

Mt. Everest - site for the Imax movie Everest

Earthshots: Satellite Images of Environmental Change

Star Chart Holder - Star Wheel with drawings - Star Wheel without drawings


Learning Style Survey #1          Description of Learning Styles #1

Learning Style Survey #2          Description of Learning Styles #2

Parent/Guardian Questionnaire Online