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2013-2014 Astronomy Homework

Extra Copies of handouts not available here are in the Extra Paper Box in class until they run out.

Any emails to Ms. Barge MUST include "astro" at the beginning of the subject line

2nd Semester HW# Assignment                       Date Assigned Due Date - more than one date, use the date that matches the date your period meets
1 Measuring Star Color - Use this activity to refresh your use of Image J. You should be able to do everything except "making a movie" on the Image Hints list. 1/29/14 1/29/14
2 Complete Backbody Radiation problem set - Blackbody Curve Quiz 2/17/14 2/13/14 2/13/14
3 Complete Wien's Law, Blackbodies & Spectra online worksheet as practice for test on Monday 2/24/14 2/20/14 2/24/14
4 Complete SDSS Redshift activity using the SDSS website 3/3/14 3/6/14
5 Planetarium Constellation Project - Project Description - Calendar of assignments/due dates 3/7/14 3/31/14
6 Extra Credit - There is a new remake of Carl Sagan's famous PBS show The Cosmos. The first episode will air Sunday, March 9, 2014 on the Fox channel networks. Watch Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey - Write a response to show: What did you find interesting? What new ideas were presented? What are you coming aways thinking about from watching the program? 3/9/14 3/10-11/14
7 Redshift Quiz (Handout with practice problems in classroom) Solutions to practice problems. Quiz on Friday 3/14/14 3/7/14 3/14/14 Friday

Magnitude & Parsec Quiz (Handout with practice problems in classroom) Solutions to practice problems. Quiz on Tuesday 3/18/14

Parallax & Parsec Talk ppt

3/11/14 3/18/14 Tuesday
9 Measuring Color of Stars packet - Use ImageJ and telescope images to determine the temperature of four stars - If you don't remember how to get brightness counts out of telescope images look at ImageJ Hints 3/14/14 3/24/14
10 Distances in Space - The Distance Ladder - Article from SEEDS Magazine - Completed handout due Thursday 3/27/14 * Due Date Changed to Monday 3/31/14 3/20/14



11 Star Life Cycle Activities - The 4 activities are due 5/14 - Check chart on class webpage 5/1/14 5/14/14
12 Spring Constellation Quiz - Practice 5/12/14 5/21/14
13 Test on Star Life Cycles 5/12/14 5/22/14


1st Semester


Assignment                       Date Assigned Due Date - more than one date, use the date that matches the date your period meets
1 Horizon Picture - Either at home, or on your way home or to school, pick a direction to view the sky from. Make a sketch of the horizon (buildings, trees, lamp posts, etc) and what you see in the sky. We need to start thinking about the sky and its relationship to the horizon. 8/26/13 8/28/13
2 Extra Credit for the month of Sept - 1 roll of paper towels, box of tissue or container of wipes 8/27-28/13 9/30/12
3 Learning Style Survey - Take both surveys,(Survey1, Survey 2) record your results on your Student Questionnaire 8/27-28/13 8/30/13
4 Enroll in Moodle - Astronomy - J Barge 2013-14 8/27-28/13 8/30/13
5 Moon Journal - 7th Period - 8th Period 8/27-28/13 Thru Sept
6 Look for the following constellations & stars (stars in parenthesis) in the night sky: Lyra (Vega), Cygnus (Deneb), Aquila (Altair), Ursa Major, Ursa Minor (Polaris), Cassiopeia 8/30/13 9/4/13
7 Read chp 1 in Cosmos; Answer questions on the reading guide (7th period, 8th period) 8/30/13 9/6/13
8 Ancient Astronomy Sites - Be ready to share with class about your particular site. A: How was your site used for astronomy? What is its relationship with the sky? B: What people constructed or used it? C: When was it used? D: Make a graphic showing what your site is like. 9/4/13 9/10/13
9 - Subscripe to SpaceWeatherNews and forward your confirmation email to ME ( 9/10/13 9/10/13
10 Send an email with a SHORT paragraph describing your ancient astronomy site 9/10/13 9/10/13
11 Read the chp Dome of Heaven - be ready to discuss on Tuesday 9/13/13 9/17/13
12 Constellation Quiz - Practice Star Chart 9/13/13 9/17/13
13 Have your guardian/parent fill out the Parent Survey, either on paper or online 9/13/2013 9/16-17/13
14 Extra Credit - Go to Chicagohenge to watch the equinox sunrise or sunset - Snap a picture of you at sunrise or sunset! Bring it in with a description of what you did. 9/19/13 9/23/13
15 Listen to the prologue of the 9/28/12 segment of This American Life that describes the coded messages that Galileo sent Kepler about his discovers with the telescope. The next segment is interesting too (23/25 predictions right)!! 9/26/13 9/30/13

Study for test on Earth-Sun-Moon system motion & position

Be able to define: equinox, solstice, ecliptic, waning, waxing, eclipse orbit, revolution, rotation, meridian, zenith, horizon. Be able to describe how the Sun moves across the sky at different latitudes. Be able to describe where the Sun rises & sets & crosses the meridian throughout the year. Be able to explain why there are seasons.Be able to identify moon phases. Be able to explain why we see different phases of the moon.Be able to explain how the moon moves across the sky at different latitudes.

10/2/13 10/8/13
17 Finish Questions "Position & Motion" and "Seasonal Stars" 10/2/13 10/4/13

National Contests - Young Naturalist Awards - Research based contest grades 7-12

Seeking the Next Jane Foster - Video Contest grades 9-12


YNA - 3/1/14

Jane Foster 10/20/13

19 Request an image from MicroObservatory 10/11/13 10/16/13
20 Extra Credit - Watch the movie Gravity and then answer these questions 10/18/13 11/13/13
21 Be sure to order your Exoplanet image request - 7th period Wasp50 Saturday; 8th period Wasp1 Sunday 10/25/13 10/25-26/13
22 Finish the Image Lab and the Data Lab entries on the Exoplanet Laboratory website 10/31/13 10/31/13

Extraordinary Exoplanets - Project Description - Create a First Portrait of Your Planet handout


Poster pdf file 11/18/13

Presentations 11/21-25/13

24 ExoPlanet Test - Given a set of transit data, you should be able to explain some properties about an exoplanet. 12/2/13 12/5/13
25 Read article "Beyond the Rainbow" and answer questions in the Reading Guide 12/9/13 12/13/13
26 Extra Credit - Nelson Mandela article - Films about life under Apartheid 12/10-11/13 1/21/2014
27 Multiwavelength Astronomy - Go through the Infrared website and write responses to the prompts. Next choose either Gamma Ray tools or X-ray tools to use with the Multiwavelength Astronomy Website and write a reflection about those webpages. Lastly, explore either the Swift telescope or the Chandra telescope and choose at least two things off the list to do. Write up your reflections and identify what you've chosen to do for the telescopes and submit the document on Moodle 12/17/13 12/19/13
28 Finals Study Guide 1/14/14 1/21-22/14