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2012-2013 Astronomy Homework

Extra Copies of handouts not available here are in the Extra Paper Box in class until they run out.

Any emails to Ms. Barge MUST include "astro" at the beginning of the subject line

HW# Assignment                       Date Assigned Due Date - more than one date, use the date that matches the date your period meets
1 Extra Credit for the month of Sept - 1 roll of paper towels, box of tissue or container of wipes 9/04/12 9/28/12
2 Parent Survey,Student Survey 9/04-06/12 9/07-10/12
3 Horizon Picture - Either at home, or on your way home or to school, pick a direction to view the sky from. Make a sketch of the horizon (buildings, trees, lamp posts, etc) and what you see in the sky. We need to start thinking about the sky and its relation to the horizon. 9/05-06/12 9/07-10/12
4 The Martian Rover Curiosity Public Service Video Clip - What should the public know? What is the rover? What is it doing or meant to do? Make a video clip sharing info from this event with the public. 9/7-10/12 New Date 10/5/12
5 Extra Credit - Visit the exhibit about the Mars Rover Curiosity at the Museum of Science and Industry. Take a picture with it and submit a reflection about what you learned about the rover 9/7-10/12 10/1/12
6. Not for me but for you - Adobe has a contest going on for students using their software Creative Suite (the online version) to create a teeshirt design. $5000.00 winner. Deadline 10/7/12. Read the rules. Someone is going to win, could be you! 9/18/12 10/7/12
7. Email Ms. Barge ( )from your CPS google email account. Put your class (Astro) and period 9/21-24/12 9/25/12

Fall Constellation Quiz - 3rd & 4th period on Thursday 10/4; 7th period on Friday 10/5 --- Practice

9/27-28/12 10/4-5/12
9. Sign up for alerts on - send confirmation email to 9/27-28/12 10/4-5/12
10. Online Field trip - Visit ancient astronomical site digitally, using the wksht as a guide 9/27-28/12 10/4-5/12
11. Dome of Heaven article - read and answer the questions in the reading guide 10/1-2/12 10/4-5/12
12. Ancient Astronomy Site Project - description & rubric 10/4-5/12 10/11-12/12

Extra Credit - C2ST Talk - Exploring the Universe from the Bottom of the World - If you go, write to me & tell me what you found interesting.

Thursday Oct 11, 6 pm, School of the Art Institute 112 South Michigan, SAIC Ballroom

10/7/12 10/11/12
14. APOD - Create a word doc with three APODs. Include a copy of the picture (smaller), the date of the apod, a summary of what is going on or what the picture is about and why you are including it in your list. Upload your document to the astronomy moodle. In moodle you have to ENROLL in the class before you can upload. Look on the sidebar for settings to enroll. 10/17/12 10/17/12
15. Look over the multimedia link for the South Pole Telescope - If you have questions about the telescope, working or living at the pole, write them down; Be ready to talk to our speaker. 10/23/12 10/25-26/12
16. Request a picture from MicroObservatory - Go to the link on our class webpage, and then choose Observing with Nasa, the first circle on the bottom of the page. Then, on the next page, choose Controlling the Telescope. Choose your object, make your choices about Field of View, Exposure Time and Filters. 10/29-30/12 11/1-2/12

Complete the following assignments by 11/19-20/12

MicroObservatory Image Introduction Wksht - F Box Wksht - Focal Length Wksht - Telescope f ratios & magnification

11/2-5/12 11/19-20/12
18. Take a picture of the moon with MoonKam - login name, password & codeword get from Ms. Barge 11/14/12 11/16/12
19. 7th period Only - Complete the Field Trip Survey 11/15/12 11/15/12
20. Study for Test Monday/Tuesday on telescopes - Review sheet (ignore #15) - Answer Key; Telescope Practice Wksht - Answer Key; Fall Constellation Practice (Summer Triangle, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia, Cephus) 11/29-30/12 12/3-4/12
21. Winter Costellation Quiz - Look for the Winter Circle - Orion (Betelguese, Alnilam, Alnitak, Mintaka, Rigel), Canis Major (Sirius), Canis Minor (Procyon), Gemini (Pollux, Castor), Auriga (Capella), Taurus (Aldebran, Pleiades) 11/27-28/12 12/20/12
22. Start watching for the moon and making a note of when you see it - date, time, shape, position in sky, sky conditions 11/29-30/12 12/17-18/12
23. Periods 3 & 4 - Field trip money & permission slip - Field to MSI on Wed Dec 12 11/19/12 12/10/12
24. Nasa Spinoffs - Go through the web links about Nasa Spinoffs - Download the worksheet & fill it out with interesting spinoffs you find. Share the infor with your family and have them answer the two questions at the bottom of the worksheet 12/10-11/12 12/20/12
25. Apollo Missions websites - Browse through the links on our class website and find something interesting to explore. Go deep into something you find interesting and then write a reflection about what you explored, what you found out and why you found it interesting 12/10-11/12 12/20/12
26. For 3rd & 4th Periods Only - Complete the Field Trip Survey 12/12/12 12/14/12
27. Beyond the Rainbow Article & Questions 1/14/13 1/14/13
28. Finals Study Guide - Nice amination for refractors; Nice animation for reflectors 1/25/13 1/25/13
  2nd Semester 2012-2013    
1. Large Telescope Project - Due, 3rd & 4th Periods Monday, 2/18/2013; 7th Period Tuesday 2/19/2013 2/4-5/2013 2/18-19/2013
2. Gamma Rays - #1 Read Neils Gehrels story & write your reflections to the questions & submit it to moodle; #2 Pick at least two activities from our Exploring Swift webpage. Be ready to explain what you did and what you learned from it by filling out this check-in (Due 2/15/13 - 7th period just identify what activites you are doing). 2/6-7/2013 2/14-15/2013
3. Help name Pluto's newest moons 2/12/2013 2/25/2013
4. Gamma Rays - #3 GRB Imaging - Go to the webpage and follow the instructions 1-4 to investigate one gamma ray burst. Create a document that has information about the gamma ray and has one or more images of that area of sky. We did step #5 in class. 2/21-22/2013 2/25-26/2013
5. Skynet Pictures - go to skynet's website and request a picture; Make sure you request 3 filters; You will need them later to make a color image 3/1/13 3/7-8/13
6. Blackbody Applet worksheet - use with online applets 3/5-6/13 3/7-8/13
7. Luminosity worksheet - Here are the images that are on the worksheet for a clearer copy pic1 pic2 3/7-8/13 3/11-12/13
8. Science Summer Interships - New things always being added so check back often 4/5/13 4/5/13
9. Complete Measuring the Color of Stars Magnitude worksheet 4/4-5/13 4/8-9/13
10. Complete the Using your Spectrascope worksheet using your spectrascope 4/12-15/13 4/15 or 4/19
11. Finish watching "Life & Death of a Star" & taking notes 4/30 & 5/1/13 4/30 & 5/1/13
12. Delve into the different stages of a star's life cycle using this website and handout 5/2 & 5/6 5/7 or 5/8
13. HR Diagram - powerpoint from class 5/2 & 5/6 5/2 & 5/6
14. Estimating Star Cluster Ages - Using the spreadsheet from the classwebsite, make HR diagrams for 47 Tuc and M45. Use the HR diagrams to estimate their ages and answer the other questions. Powerpoint from class with notes 5/7 & 5/8

5/28 & 5/30

New Date 6/7/13

15. Supernova Light Curves - determine what type of supernova - handout in class 5/9 & 5/10

5/28 & 5/30

New Date 6/7/13

16. Constellation Planetarium Project - Project Description - Calendar 5/9 & 10 week of 6/3/13
17. Spring Constellation Practice Practice handout 5/16 & 5/17 Quiz 5/20 & 5/21
18. Redshift Practice - handout 1; handout 2; handout 3; VI handout; Answer Key 5/16 & 5/17 Quiz 5/22 7 5/23
19. 3D Universe - Galaxy Classification - use the link on our webpage and go to GalaxyZoo to classify at least 30 galaxies. You must be in our group for your classifications to count. You might have to use a different browser (Mac OS use Chrome, some versions of Safari don't work) 5/24 & 28/13 6/7/13
20. Reflection for Planetarium Presentation - upload to moodle within 24 hours of presentation - check project description for questions to answer in reflection - New Due Date because of change in CPS's Final Grade Due Date 6/4/13 6/4/13 - 6/11/13
21. Textbook return - Return your textbook Earth Science by Tarbuck - book list 6/6/13 6/11/13