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2008-09 Astronomy Homework

Extra Copies of handouts not available here are in the Extra Paper Box in class until they run out.

Any emails to Ms. Barge MUST include "astro1" or "astro2" at the beginning of the subject line

HW# Assignment                       Date Assigned Due Date
1 Horizon drawing - face south and observe your horizon and sky. Draw a sketch of what your south horizon and sky looks like. Identify the time. Do the same for the northern horizon. 9/03-04/08 9/05/08
2 Parent Survey, Science Contract, Student Survey 9/03-04/08 9/05/08
3 Extra Credit for the month of Sept - 1st period: 1 box of Kleenex; 2nd period: 1 roll of paper towel 9/03=04/08 9/30/08
4 Reflection on Cern articles from the Tribune #1 & #2 9/9-10/08 9/11/08
5 Extra Credit - get at least three (3) pictures with Kurt Perschke's Red Ball project which has travelled the globe from Barcelona to Sydney 9/11/08 9/30/08
6 APOD - Go through the APODs from the last week and choose 3 images you find interesting. Send me an email (or print out a hard copy) with the image, or link and the date. Include your explanation of why you like it. 9/12/08 Each Monday
7 Moon Journal - look for the moon & then check your classes link for what should be in your journal - 1st period; 2nd period 9/12/08 Each Friday
8 Cultural Constellation Star Lab Presentations 9/16-17/08 9/29/08
9 Fall constellation quiz - Practice blank Fall Star Charts - Quiz Friday 9/26/08 9/16-17 9/26/08
10 Chp 5 - Read it; You are responsible for the information in the chapter 10/7 - 8/08 10/17/08
11 Chp 3 Reading Guide 1st period - 2nd period 10/17/08 10/24/08
12 Test chp1, 3, 5 - Study Guide 10/27/08 11/3/08
13 Image Processing Practice - download ImageJ or MicroObservatoryImage and use it to analyze images to answer questions about the effect of focus and exposure time on images 11/12/08 11/17/08
14 Read Chp 4 and learn about the movement of the moon, sun and planets 11/14/08 11/26/08
15 Download either ImageJ or MicroobservatoryImage (or both, they are freeware) and do the activities Aperture (Images), Exposure Time (Images), Focus (Images) Have a paper ready with the results for Monday. 11/12/08 11/17/08
16 Read article about the Earth without the Moon & write a reflection about it. What did you think about the things the authors said? 11/17/08 11/18-19/08
17 Apollo Missions Poster 11/18-19/08 12/2-3/08
18 Apollo Interview - talk to your family and friends (older ones) and interview them about their memories about the Apollo missions 11/24/08 12/1/08
19 NASA Spinoffs 12/1/08 12/2-3/08
20 Article Reflection - Backroom Heroes 12/2-3/08 12/5/08
21 Graphs - Hours of Daylight; Sunrise Sunset Noon Sun; Distance from Earth to Sun 12/8-10/08 12/12/08
22 Using your Solar Motion Demonstrator 12/12/08 12/22/08
23 Go out and look at the moon - It is the biggest moon (in diameter) this year. The moon is at its closest point to the Earth 12/12/08 12/12/08
24 Study for Finals - Fall Constellations Practice - Winter constellations Practice - Finals Review 12/30/08 1/14 & 16/08
  2nd Semester    
25 Go over chp 3 - this should be review as we have looked at this chp before 1/26/09 2/13/08
26 Extra Credit Opportunity - Attend the talk by Barrington Iriving, Thursday after seminars, at 11:45 am in the Recital Hall January 29 - Make sure you check in with Ms. Barge before the start 1/27/09 1/29/09
27 Read article about radiation & astronauts 2/3-4/09 2/6/09
28 Complete Telescope and Earth's Atmosphere wksht 2/3-4/09 2/6/09
29 Infrared Universe - Look at the link and write responses according to the web page 2/6/09 2/9/09
30 Infrared Images from Space - Spitzer (SIRTF) images - pick out at least 3 and find out what the infrared telescope has found out about that topic - write a reflection about what you find out 2/9/09 2/10-11/09

Telescope Project - choose a telescope to research that uses a type of light other than visible; If you really want a visible one just choose two (use the links for telescopes from class web page); Find out the following about your telescope: 1. Where is it located 2. What kind of research are they doing with the telescope - what are they finding out about the universe with your telescope 3. Show us an image your telescope has taken (you can use the projector in class)

This is an individual project

2/17/09 2/23/09
32 Constellation Project - We will use classtime to learn how to use the planetarium and to research your constellation. Check the handout for objectives and the classweb page for resources 2/18-19/09 3/9-13/09
33 Chp 2 - Questions 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 24, 25, 28 3/20/09 3/26/09
34 Blackbody Applet Worksheet Period 1 - Given 2/20, due 2/23; Period 3 - Given 2/23, due 2/25 3/20-23/09 03/23-25/09
35 Extra Credit - Attend an event for the Chicago Science Program 3/20/09 4/30/09
36 Read chp 11 4/17/09 4/27/09
37 Stellar Evolution and HR diagram 4/28-29/09 4/28-29/09
38 Star Life Cycle Project - Project Description - Individual Projects are due 5/11/09, links on class web page: Supernova - Age of Star Clusters - Build your own star - Microobservatory Galaxy Images 4/28-29/09 5/18/09
39 Practice finding Spring Constellations - blank spring star chart 5/5-6/09  
40 Finals Study Guide - Constellation Quiz - Diagrams from study guide 5/27-28/09 6/2/09